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Cooking for Thanksgiving? Start Here!

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and you are starting to get excited as to what you are going to prepare for this special day. As you wait for the big day you have been putting the finishing touches on your thanksgiving dinner. Of course there is one other thing that you have been putting off and that is the gift shopping. There are many things to cook for Thanksgiving and pumpkin pie is one of the most popular.

You can choose a simple dessert or go all out with an elaborate pumpkin pie. If you are making a simple dessert, you can do a little cooking ahead of time and just set out your ingredients, follow the directions, and then just roll out your dough. If you are putting together an elaborate pumpkin pie you will need to be in charge of rolling, slicing, and then baking your masterpiece. This can be one of the easiest things to cook for thanksgiving because it is so simple, but it can be one of the most rewarding things you can do with your family and friends.

You can either make the pie crust at home if you have the time or go to a store and buy some. Many people like to have fresh, homemade pie crust so they can dip their fruits and vegetables in it before they put them in the oven. It is not uncommon to find some restaurants that have fresh pumpkin pie crust and it is one of the most popular desserts served at dinner. However, it is not something you can just pick up at any store. If you live in the southern states you probably have no choice but to use white flour and other all-purpose flour in your pumpkin pie. If you are in the northern states, you have a very different selection of flour choices.

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If you would rather do the cooking and then bake the pie, then it is easy to just use your favorite graham cracker crust in the oven. Use the graham cracker as a guideline when cutting your homemade pie crust. The diameter should be smaller than the depth of the dish you will bake in order to avoid too much filling in the cracks. After you remove the crust from the oven you will need to let it cool. Then you can use your food processor to chop up your leftover chunks into small pieces.

To make the real treat of your lifetime you can also make a sweet caramel sauce to top your baked pecan pie filling. It is really easy to make and your whole family will love it. To make the caramel sauce you will need to use the pecan juice and brown sugar. Mix together the juice and brown sugar until thick. Then you just pour it over the crust and bake it. If you want to add some more sweetness to your thanksgiving desserts you can add some honey and then drizzle it over.

When you are done with your thanksgiving recipe, you can enjoy a quiet Thanksgiving dinner with your family by enjoying a candle light dinner. The atmosphere will be warm and welcoming. Just remember that the most important things to cook for thanksgiving are the family. So have a very good time with your loved ones this holiday season.

There is great list of pumpkin desserts listed on Handle The Heat – some great recipes on there.

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